Welcome to Overeaters Anonymous – a community of people who, through shared experience, strength and hope, are recovering from unhealthy relationships with food and body image.
Do you:
- Continue to eat compulsively in spite of medical advice to control your weight?
- Find that you cannot stop bingeing, purging, or restricting?
- Find your efforts repeatedly ending in demoralizing failure, despite firm resolutions?
- Have weight concerns, body image issues, food attitudes, or behaviors that cause health problems?
Compulsive overeating, under-eating, food addiction, anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, over-exercising … no matter what your challenge with food or body image may be, you are welcome here.
Whether you are a newcomer, or you’re returning after relapse, we extend the hand and heart of fellowship to you.
Western Mass Intergroup – Our Purpose
Our primary purpose is to carry the message of recovery to compulsive overeaters (including but not limited to those who suffer from obesity, anorexia and bulimia), and to serve and represent the OA groups in our area.
Western Mass Meeting List
Click here for a downloadable list of virtual and in-person OA meetings in Western Mass
Western Mass Intergroup Meetings
WMI meets on Zoom on the second Sunday of every month, from 6:00-7:15 pm (NOTE THE NEW TIME). All OA members are welcome to attend.
Or join by phone: 646-876-9923 and enter meeting ID 848 5210 5205 and passcode 123456
Informational Meetings for Newcomers
Join us for one-hour informational meetings every Tuesday, 6:30-7:30pm Eastern. We’ll share information about OA, hear an experienced member share for 15 minutes, and try to answer any questions you may have.
Learn more here.
Get a Free “Where Do I Start?” Pamphlet
You can download “Where Do I Start? Everything a Newcomer Needs to Know” for free here.
Learn More Online
OA’s Sound Bites is a series of 1-hour recordings from an Internet radio show that aired October 17, 2012 to January 9, 2013. It is dedicated to educating you about the process of recovery from compulsive eating using OA’s 12-step program. You’ll find information on the symptoms of compulsive eating, the support that’s available, and how the program can work to help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
If you’re returning from relapse, you may find this video helpful.